I just found a nice photo explaining symptoms of hypo and hyperglycemia which are so important to diagnose hypoglycemic coma which is a matter of life and death, as you know when there is no glucose reaching the brain, its cells start to die, so we have to diagnose hypoglycemic coma as early as possible. And it's more important to know when your Glucose begins to decline in your blood in order not to wait until you lose your consciousness ;) Here are some symptoms of hypoglycemia as well as hyperglycemia which usually means that you have the common disease called Diabetes Mellitus. I hope that this topic will be useful to all of you :) God bless you all
Monday, June 27, 2011
Hypo Or Hyperglycemic?
high blood pressure,
Saturday, October 16, 2010
Bulimia*Ravenous Hunger
Eating disorders affect seven girls in every 1,000, and one boy in every 1,000. It usually begins to be a problem in teenage years, but can happen at any time.
Bulimia, also called Bulimia Nervosa, is a psychological eating disorder. Bulimia is characterized by episodes of binge-eating followed by inappropriate methods of weight control (purging). Inappropriate methods of weight control include vomiting, fasting, enemas, excessive use of laxatives and diuretics, or compulsive exercising. Excessive shape and weight concerns are also characteristics of bulimia. A binge is an episode where an individual eats a much larger amount of food than most people would in a similar situation. Binge eating is not a response to intense hunger. It is usually a response to depression, stress, or self esteem issues. During the binge episode, the individual experiences a loss of control. However, the sense of a loss of control is also followed by a short-lived calmness. The calmness is often followed by self-loathing. The cycle of overeating and purging usually becomes an obsession and is repeated often .
If you are suffering from such symptoms, try to stick to regular mealtimes. If your weight is very low, have extra snacks. Keep a diary of what you eat and your thoughts and feelings, you can use this to see if there are links between how you feel, think and eat. If you failed to control it, visit a psychiatrist.
weight loss
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Water And Weight Loss
Drinking water before each meal has been shown to help promote weight loss as it has been proved that people who drank two cups of water right before eating a meal ate between 75 and 90 fewer calories during the meal. Why?
First of all, because the calorie-content of water is zero, drinking water instead of milk, fruit juices or regular sodas helps to lower the calorie content of your diet and thus helps weight reduction. On he other hand, water makes your metabolism burn calories 3% faster.
Water can also fill you up as some dieters find it helpful to drink a glass of water when they feel hungry between meals, or just before a meal to help them to eat less.
If a weight loss diet doesn't allow much food, it may be necessary to drink even more water to help stop strong cravings for food.
Now, How much do you need to drink to encourage weight loss?
For the average person experts suggest to multiply your weight (in lbs) by .66, you'll get your daily required consumption in ounces. Convert it to liters, and you're done. For example, if you weight 200 lbs, you need to consume 132 ounces of water daily – which is about 3.9 liters.
If you are on a diet to lose weight it is more important to consume more and keep drinking water throughout the day, unless you have any medical condition that doesn't allow much water intake.
If exercising is part of a weight loss program a bit more water should be included to account for water loss from sweating. Drinking water before, during and after exercise will keep energy levels high and help recovery after training.
Finally, I advice you to drink water every now and then. Also, make your coffee break, a water break instead. That does really work with me. Try it and you won't lose anything except your weight ;)
weight loss
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Have Health And Fun By Chewing Gum
Even gum chewing can improve your health as it has been proved that it has many health benefits like,
-Promoting good oral hygiene as it allows saliva to flow and flush away bacteria that can cause dental caries and bad breath.
-Promoting weight loss as the physical act of gum chewing may help to reduce your cravings for high calorie snacks. According to a group of scientists chewing gum can burn about 11 calories per hour. Also, chewing gum that is sweetened with Xylitol doesn’t raise blood sugar and hence helps to prevent weight gaining.
-Reducing symptoms of stress as recent research has shown that the rhythmic motion of chewing gum has a stress-reducing effect. In fact, the military supplied chewing gum to soldiers during World War I to help them reduce their levels of stress during combat duties. It is also known to increases alertness and concentration. That's why some teachers encourage students to chew gum during tests.
-Improving digestion as it helps to improve intestinal motility and prevents acid reflux from the stomach back into the throat.
-Smoking Cessation as putting a piece of gum in your mouth instead of lighting up will keep your mouth "busy". It can help you overcome the "oral fixation" many smokers are thought to have.
Now, think of all benefits and fun you can gain simply by chewing gum. Really, it deserves to become your sweet friend ;)
-Promoting good oral hygiene as it allows saliva to flow and flush away bacteria that can cause dental caries and bad breath.
-Promoting weight loss as the physical act of gum chewing may help to reduce your cravings for high calorie snacks. According to a group of scientists chewing gum can burn about 11 calories per hour. Also, chewing gum that is sweetened with Xylitol doesn’t raise blood sugar and hence helps to prevent weight gaining.
-Reducing symptoms of stress as recent research has shown that the rhythmic motion of chewing gum has a stress-reducing effect. In fact, the military supplied chewing gum to soldiers during World War I to help them reduce their levels of stress during combat duties. It is also known to increases alertness and concentration. That's why some teachers encourage students to chew gum during tests.
-Improving digestion as it helps to improve intestinal motility and prevents acid reflux from the stomach back into the throat.
-Smoking Cessation as putting a piece of gum in your mouth instead of lighting up will keep your mouth "busy". It can help you overcome the "oral fixation" many smokers are thought to have.
Now, think of all benefits and fun you can gain simply by chewing gum. Really, it deserves to become your sweet friend ;)
Friday, October 8, 2010
A new year has come

As today is the first day in my new year,I just wanna rinse my heart,remove all my bad feelings and renew all my good feelings I had in the past 21 years. So,let me say a couple of words to reach that please.
To those who I can't afford their existence in my life,I tell them "I'm sorry but I have to throw you into my recycle pin."
To those who hate me,"I don't care about what you feel because that's me and you should accept me as I am or leave me alone but anyway I hope that you will change your mind soon".
To those who are deceiving me,"All what you do will turn back to you sooner or later so just stop it".
To those who hurt me once or much more,"I forgive you and don't worry because one day,I'll wake up and will find that I have forgotten all what you have done and that day is maybe today".
To those who love me," Thanks a lot for giving me your hearts and I promise I'll never break them under any circumstances :)".
To those whom I love,"I love you and I will,till my last heartbeat because I can never hate somebody I liked even if they hurt me.Please just take care of my heart (L) ".
To those whom I miss,"Out of my sight is NOT out of my mind.That's why I think about you every now and then and I hope that you are okay.Remember me as much as I remember you ;)".
To those who passed away,"You took a piece of my heart when you left me alone on this earth. I hope that we will meet each other again in paradise.I really miss you and I'll never forget all what you did to make me happy.May Allah forgive all your sins".
Finally,I wish myself a happy new year,a happy new heart and a happy successful life.
Wishing you all the same as well ;) :)