A healthy tongue is found to be red, not too wet, not too dry, smooth, and not too thick or not too thin.
If the color is pale,then there maybe anemia, poor circulation, lack of vitamins, minerals, and/or protein.
If the whole tongue is red,then you may have fever, generally feeling more hot than cold, sweating easily, thirst, tendency to constipation, irritability, skin problems, excess alcohol or coffee consumption, hives or headaches.
If only the tip of the tongue is red, then you are suffering from emotional stress,insomnia or having a tendency for depression.
If it is yellow,then there’s too much bile in the gallbladder or a liver disorder.
If it is blue,then there is some defect in the heart.
If it is too thick, it indicates an inflammatory condition.
If it is too thin, it indicates an emotional condition.
If you see the impressions of the teeth along the sides of the tongue, this indicates poor intestinal absorption.
A coating covering the tongue indicates toxins in the stomach, small intestine, or large intestine. If only the back of the tongue is coated, toxins are present in the large intestine or could indicate poor digestion. If the middle of the tongue is coated,then toxins maybe present in the stomach and small intestine.
If it is too thick, it indicates an inflammatory condition.
If it is too thin, it indicates an emotional condition.
If you see the impressions of the teeth along the sides of the tongue, this indicates poor intestinal absorption.
A coating covering the tongue indicates toxins in the stomach, small intestine, or large intestine. If only the back of the tongue is coated, toxins are present in the large intestine or could indicate poor digestion. If the middle of the tongue is coated,then toxins maybe present in the stomach and small intestine.
If there is a thick white coating ,that may indicate viral illness such as cold, fatigue.
If there is a brown coating,then you may have constipation or as a result of excess coffee intake.
If there is a yellow coating and it is usually seen with a red tongue,that may indicate a tendency to be over heated, irritable, angry or stressed.
If there is a black coating ,then there maybe high fever from dehydration, infectious disease, digestive problems, fungus infection or a long term use of antibiotics.
If the tongue has cracks or lines all over, it indicates chronic colon problems.
If the tongue has cracks or lines all over, it indicates chronic colon problems.
If you noticed peeling,that may indicate over indulgence in spicy food, discomfort in upper abdomen such as nausea or maybe because of vitamin B deficiency.
Finally,I hope that you know now how to determine your level of health from just protruding your tongue in front of a mirror and whenever you feel you are worried about how your tongue looks,consult your physician.
show me ur friend then i show u who u r :P
WoooW,u just showed me ur tongue":P" :D
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