1-Drink more fluids because the amount of semen that is released in an ejaculation is related to the volume of fluids that are previously taken.The body needs two liters of water a day to function properly. Drinking more fluids will increase your semen expulsion
2-Drink lots of milk. The lactose and fructose in milk will also improve the quality of the ejaculate and increase volume of the ejaculate
3-Avoid wearing tight underwear because the ideal temperature for semen and sperm is slightly lower than normal body temperature. This explains why the scrotum is on the outside of the body. Tight underwear will increase the scrotal temperature, thereby decreasing sperm and semen levels.
4-Avoid sitting with legs crossed. This also affects the sperm and semen volumes to a great extent. By squashing the scrotal area against the warm body, will increase temperature above the required normal range.
5-Get rid of bad habits like smoking, alcohol consumption, etc. Even two Alcohol drinks a day will have long-term effects on sperm production
6-Exercise regularly
7-Eat Nutritious Food. Diet that's low in fat, and high in protein, vegetables, and whole grains is good for your health and for your sperm. Avoid bitter, astringent and spicy foods. Reduce caffeine intake
8-Lose any excess weight that may cause testosterone/estrogen imbalances
9-Reduce stress levels by learning relaxation techniques. Keep your mind and body healthy by regular practice of Yoga for example
10-Make love in the Early Morning or afternoon. Sperm levels are often highest in the Mornings
i will make sure these steps to be done if i wanna a baby :D
Yeah,those steps will help you so much .. Trust me :)
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